The Dr. Samuel R. Poliakoff Collection of Western Art

at the Abbeville County Library System, Abbeville, SC

Jim Abieta
Jim Abieta
Jim Abieta
Jim Abieta
Nathan Begay
Nathan Begay
Rena Billie
Rena Billie
Louise Goodman
Martha Gordon
Mary Kee
Charles Lee
Lucy Leuppe McKelvy
Cecelia Nelson
Ida Sahme
Jennie Thomas
Tony Tso
Faye Tso
Sue Williams
Sally Yazzie
Lola Yazzie
Pitch-Covered Jar with Incised Anthropomorphic Motif (#34)

This traditional pot is decorated with a Yei, a Navajo guardian or god. Navajo pottery continues to evolve. In the early eighteenth century Navajo spiritual leaders forbade the decorating of a pot’s surface. But in the 1980s following years of absence designs slowly began emerging. Creative, fresh and inventive, the techniques of applying designs are as varied as the potters.

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