The Dr. Samuel R. Poliakoff Collection of Western Art

at the Abbeville County Library System, Abbeville, SC

Filters: Sculptures
Joe Beeler
Ernest Berke
Ernest Berke
Ernest Berke
Ernest Berke
Ernest Berke
Nettie Bica
Marie Z Chino
Marie Z Chino
Joe de Yong
Joe de Yong
Joe de Yong
Joe de Yong
Frank DiVita
Nick Eggenhofer
Daro Flood
Laura Gachupin
Pula Gutierrez
Pula Gutierrez
Pula Gutierrez
Pula Gutierrez
Pula Gutierrez
Pula Gutierrez
Pula Gutierrez
Eva Hisita
Allan Houser
Lucy Lewis
Anita Garcia Lowden
Rebecca Lucario
Bill Nebeker
Jack Riley
Stella Shutiva
Ada Suina
Read more about
Medicine Ring (#124)
Jack Riley (1917–1989)— Western Artists

Following service in World War II, Riley spent 30 years as a watch repairman before turning full time to his true vocation and calling of being an artist. Inspired by the work of Charles Russell and Frederick Remington he began experimenting with making sculpture in 1966. Largely self-taught, he began sculpting in gypsum and other clays he found near his home.

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