The Dr. Samuel R. Poliakoff Collection of Western Art

at the Abbeville County Library System, Abbeville, SC

Joe Beeler
Ernest Berke
Ernest Berke
Ernest Berke
Ernest Berke
Ernest Berke
Roger Cooke
Roger Cooke
Joe de Yong
Joe de Yong
Joe de Yong
Joe de Yong
Thomas A DeDecker
Frank DiVita
Nick Eggenhofer
Daro Flood
Ralph Lowe
Ben Matchers
Bill Nebeker
Jack Riley
David Salk
Wayne Wolfe
Indian Warrior with Tomahawk (#125)

Flood has carefully studied the detail of a Plains man’s dress, whether at war or dancing. He has depicted the man dancing, wearing totem animal skins that hang from his belt. He carries a long stemmed tomahawk pipe, a favored trade item.

Copyright 2014, Abbeville County Library System. - Credits