The Dr. Samuel R. Poliakoff Collection of Western Art

at the Abbeville County Library System, Abbeville, SC

Nathan Begay
Nathan Begay
Louise Goodman
Lucy Leuppe McKelvy
Ida Sahme
Tony Tso
Faye Tso
Sue Williams
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Navajo (Din?) pottery
Polychrome Shoulder Jar (#102)

Ida Sahmie is a Navajo woman married into a Hopi-Tewa family. She has learned how to make pots in the technique and style of her husband’s family. However she prefers to use Navajo designs, especially Navajo Yeis, spiritual holy people. She has been actively potting since about 1990. In this piece she has combined her heritage of Navajo Yei or deity figures with husband’s potting relatives’ clay and shouldered-jar form.

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